Monday, October 1, 2012

Not fair.


Breakfast - Joe's O's, raisins and apple slices for them {not that they ate any!} / 1 apple slice for me b/c who has time for more than that on a school morning?
Shower - yes!! v. brief, but still.
Preschool drop-off - made it on time, got  #1's hands washed {to the little preschool punks who cut in line and your moms who did nothing about it: I bid you a mild 'grr.'} signed him in and exited gracefully without a tantrum from shoeless #2 - almost.
Health Coach visit - took "before" measurements and pictures. It's going to be SO GREAT when I can see how far I've come. {just keep telling yourself that!}
Job Opp - I talked with a friend at Women's Conference on Saturday who thinks there's an openning at her work in the child care room at a fitness center. It would mean I could take my kids with me, get a free workout and get paid, too! I picked up an application this morning after dropping off #1.
Job App - Talked for too brief a minute with Allison (!!!) for a reference. Man! Do I hate filling out an application. But for this job, it would be worth it for sure!
Breakfast - take 2 - a cranberry chocolate chip whole wheat and granola apple sauce cookie for me and #2 {made yummier by the fact that TBS made them!}
Preschool Pick-Up - went great. According to #1's teacher, he's using nicer words, but he's one in a batch of four or so boys who can't keep their hands to themselves. {A nice way of saying he hits, right? nice....}
Lunch - hotdogs, cheese slice, whole wheat tortilla and peaches for them {a little more success this time!} Tomatoe, ham and cheese wrap for me. {Washed down with Orange Cream Soda - yum.}
Tidying up - had my work cut out for me, but got quite a bit done. The boys did some too. #1 is quite the excellent helper. #2 is more work, since I have to physically make him pick something up and put it where it goes. Little pill. :oP
Naptime - I'm avoiding the FACT that #1 is over naptime. It took the boys an hour to fall asleep because they were playing together instead. I finally had to remove the covetted Buzz from the room and sit and read to myself in there to get them to fall sleep.
Writing time - got a bit done but it was severely hindered by the naptime. I gave it a break and now I'm blogging.

THE END>>> How unfair is it that on top of the exhausting craziness that has comprised the mere seven hours that I've been awake, I am also now feeling periodical??!??!? 

It's not fair, I tell you. It's just plain. not. fair.