Friday, August 31, 2012

Posting pictures

Today's Accomplishments: got inspiration for the chapter I've been writing that will make it MUCH better(!), went to Costco and STUCK TO THE LIST*(!!), took pictures for my blog, posted pictures on my blog, made a banner for my blog. :oD

When I'm done with this post, I'm heading to the library - big thanks to the parentals who are making strawberry and black berry jam today, and will watch my boys when nap time is over so I can escape! - to write. The awesomeness of this no-calorie treat is too extreme to do justice to with mere words. Were I not so camera shy right now, I would just post the picture of the ridiculous grin on my face! Okay, okay. I'll post the picture that FFYM#1 took of me a moment ago...

the ONLY thing i love about this picture is that it was taken by FFYM#1. (yup, that chin is the reason for the whole grain tortillas in my fridge and the ache in legs from weight lifting and treadmilling.)

I will be taking this bag with me to the library, which I made at the advent of Crafty Wednesday a few months ago. For me, it is the PERFECT mommy bag/purse. I can sling it over my shoulder and be hands free to corral the FFYM when we're out and about.

Mom getting vege and the fruit she and dad are bottling today. LOVE that she loves making jam!

This is the goings-on in my kitchen just now. Note to you: I am upstairs in my writing room. This is latest episode {no small sadness to my mom} of my mom trying to get me to bottle food for food storage. Sorry mom, I'm focusing on my strengths just now, and food prep isn't one of them! Maybe next year?

My two cents about posting pictures: It's about time**.
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*I did NOT buy the Jake and the Neverland pirate halloween costume that FFYM#1 would have given his blankie for. I did NOT buy the awesome picnic table for the boys that was a major steal at 29.99. A less-fun shopping trip, to state the obvious.
**This is a new blog, so we'll see if I can keep it up!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Crafty Wednesday

Today's Accomplishments: worked out {believe it!}, got eyes dilated for the first time- -resulting in a prescription for eyeglasses, hosted crafty Wednesday, ordered glasses, played play dough with the FFYM, wrote some more story (!).

This idea came from the craft that one of my fun friends was working on this week! I pulled out my cricut and my big shot and ran with it!!! :o) I need to reinforce the back of the wreath, and then find a home for it!

My two cents about Crafty Wednesday:


A few months ago, I invited a couple of friends over during the FFYM's nap time to work on whatever project they had in the works. It was a lot of fun and it's the reason I've gotten so much craftiness into my otherwise diaper-ridden days. There are seven of us in the mix and counting. The women range in age from twenty-four to fifty-six-ish, and we have varying personalities and backgrounds, which means we have a lot of fun getting to know each other. Not to mention its GREAT to get things off my crafty 'to do' pile*.

Today, since my pupils were still freakishly bulbous, I put aside my own crafting aspirations (completing the table runner mentioned earlier) and opted instead to help Crystal with her craft project: turning (literally - I pun.) green and black "hair" into dreadlocks for the cyperpunk costume she's wearing to the local Anime convention this weekend. {Now that's variety for you!} I found a new skill, and if I ever needed to, I could turn (again - stop me!) to selling dreadlocks on etsy. :oP

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*It would be wrong of me to indicate that the five-years-in-the-making pirate halloween costumes have seen the light of day, or to mislead you into thinking that I've finally gotten around to working on the camp shirt quilt I promised to TheBoyScout as many years ago. No-no. The advent of crafty Wednesdays meant the possiblities for NEW crafty projects was far too enticing to waste on OLD crafty projects**.
**Sadly, the demands of my pocket book these days (see opthomologist appointment mentioned earlier) are now demanding that I pilfer the OLD project pile. C'est la vie. A camp shirt quilt will come in handy very soon!

Monday, August 27, 2012


Today's Accomplishments:  Speech therapy for FFYM#2 {super fun!}, successful shopping trip to the local Goodwill {resulting in dress-up hats and a new game for the boys}, ummmm blowing my budget on a $9 combo meal for ONE PERSON at Burgerville*.

The Weekend's Accomlishments: Lots of fun in Primary working on the upcoming program {the kids are earning ingredients for banana splits- one for every song they earn a "performance ready" score for.}, fun family outing to the park, managed an entire Saturday {and Sunday goes without saying} without spending money**!!

{One of my weaknesses is rushing the bedtime routine. As a consequence, I learned I had a cavity during my recent dentist's office visit. So I asked them to print out a copy of the pictures of said cavity (it grosses me out too, believe me!) and made this to put in my room. Now, on the nights that I can't convince myself to keep up my new habit (three weeks strong, go me!!) I just flip over one of these flags and see the motivation I need to keep flossing. A clever use of my craftiness, if I do say!}

My two cents about my own weaknesses:

I look for them. Constantly. I find them frequently. I try to change them ad nauseum. It's exhausting and generally not productive.

In the words of FFYM#2: I think I need to be "aaah done." For a little while, that is.

That doesn't mean I'm giving myself a pass on being lousy at menu planning/grocery shopping/cooking. It doesn't mean I'm going to stop hoping for the day when I have the optimal morning routine down, complete with exercise, scripture study, physical therapy and writing. I'm not turning my back on one day being a better thank-you card sender, phone caller, or birthday fun wisher. Most importantly, I will still be hoping to one day be a person who carries herself with more grace, thoughtfulness and poise, and less insecurity, fear and self-denegrating***.

In the meantime, however, I'm taking the excellent advice of my husband and putting MORE of my energy into identifying, honoring and strengthening my strengths.

Revolutionary thinking, no?!

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*It is just a dang good thing I don't have any other expensive bad habits!! Sheesh.
**Apparently all that pent-up retail frustration only leads to spending $9 on a combo meal for ONE PERSON at Burgerville!! Rosemary chicken sandwich, I hate love hate you.
***Does it count if self-denegrating is a strength that I want to weaken??

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Oh poop*.

Today's Accomplishments: tracked the budget and balanced the bank statement, convinced FFYM#1 to get the poop out**, got the car washed, restocked the pantry and fridge.

{{Made these silhouettes in June, during a far-from-bloggin phase. L-O-V-E love them, and love for making it possible! Got the tutorial here!}}

Here's my two cents about the current desperation need to convince a three-year-old that going #2 doesn't have to be as bad as all that:

I don't like it. Neither does he. Prunes, anyone?***

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*And other useful imparatives.
**Not as in "get the heck out"- -think more literally here. TMI - but hey, it has been the biggest accomplishment of the day.
***There are so many things to love about mothering.  Sneaking prunes into otherwise kid-approved foods is pretty high on my list right now. Ssh.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hope gurgles occasionally*

Today's Accomplishments: OT for one of my Future-Fine-Young-Men, two more loads of laundry through the system, made a healthy dinner replete with vegetables and made-from-scratchness- -then followed it up with a made-from-scratch batch of oatmeal cranberry chocolate chip cookies, researched foster parenting, skulked on facebook.

{{Clearly not one of my more productive days, so here's a picture of the plaque I made on Saturday last, but didn't blog about:}}
{Bragadocious Alert: It cost exactly nothing, since in all my crafting wisdom, I recognized the potential of the board at Goodwill a number of months ago, ($2.99 from my April budget) and I have cute Stampin' Up! paper coming out my nose. The mug hooks survived my jewelry organizing project.}

Here's what I think about Hope:

Against my own pesimistic (if not better) judgement, I am choosing to HOPE that my current campaign to exercise less more and eat more*** less will garner better results than the last four have. Here's to hoping also, that it is possible to lose weight (again!) and keep it off (this time).

I also HOPE that the toddler potty training set-backs** that have gone on here lately will come to a swift and abrupt end. {read: pleeease, please, please, PLEASE in the name of already-tenuous motherly sanity- -make it stop!}

May I also just say that I LOVE the fact that "faith, hope and charity" are the order of the day, rather than "know, apply and exemplify." There is hope for me yet!

Hope you****'re having a good evening/night/sleep/midnight snack.

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*A more accurate assesment in my case than conveying that it 'springs eternal.'
**I am sparing you the gratuitous details. You're welcome.
***Did you see the part about the cookies I made today? Yup.
****Obviously, I am addressing you, TheBoyScout, as you remain my only reader to date.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Pen Pals

Today's accomplishments: I started and completed a seven-generation family history fan chart to display. {Wouldn't you know, I wrote it in ink, and messed up. More than once. Thereby continuing the unending tradition of making my home-made treasures look REALLY home-made.} The Fine-Young-Men-In-Training and I "played school" today, which was a lot of fun- -though not at all productive. I got three loads of laundry through the system. I spent an hour on family history, only to discover that the duplicate name I thought I was so conscientiously going to correct, is too large to fix. {"Newbies." [insert eye-rolling here.]}

{Today's motherly regret snafu* misstep: I fed my children Top Ramen for dinner (yes, really.) with canned carrots. Both a hit. The positive response was not sufficient to quell my feelings of guilt- -it most definitely made them worse.}

My two cents about pen pals:

A. I had a french pen pal in the ninth grade, and though it only began as a manditory "Beginning French" requirement, I never-the-less enjoyed getting mail that was post-marked all the way in France.

B. My brother's wife's brother {yup.} was my pen pal beginning just before ninth grade and ending somewhere during our senior year. He quoted lyrics from They Might Be Giants in the margins and Harry Connick Jr. in the text. What was there not to love about those letters?

C. I just finished reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society- -as mentioned previously- -a wonderfully fabulous fictional book of letters written by (sometimes reluctant, sometimes pious, sometimes whole-hearted) always entertaining pen pals. Delicious.

And now to finally come to my point. I met a very funny woman and fellow writier, while dispensing wine** at the wedding of the daughter of a friend last month. She was visiting from Canada, and we had a very easy and lively conversation about shrimp molds gone awry and writing fiction. So imagine my delight when I received an actual email after exchanging email addresses a month ago! And even though she was mistaken in the place of our meeting {I have never, in fact, been to the Ausberg Fortress music workshop in Seattle!} she had the right person. Whew.

Could it be? A new pen pal, and with the prospects of discussing music and writing no less?

Mais oui!

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*I didn't know that "snafu" was an acronymn for a military phrase containing profanity. Now I do. And so do you. You're welcome.
**I was merely filling in at the literal last minute when my friend (who didn't want alcohol to be served at the wedding in the first place thank-you-very-much) was left high and dry by the person who had agreed previously to serve the wine that the groom's family provided. I myself, never having had a drink of alcohol in my life, volunteered in order to spare my friend any further stress on that already overly stressful day. The groom's father (a genuine frenchman in the flesh!) had to show me how to use a cork screw and how to pour the right amount in the right way. I had a fabulous time meeting people, and trying something new, which may come in handy in my fiction one day, though rest assured will not come in handy in my personal life. Serendipity indeed that it lead to meeting a fellow authoress!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Is this thing on?

Today's Accomplishments In No Particular Order: pieced together a quilted table runner, survived the uncharacteristic HEAT, survived a play-date with my Fine-Young-Men-In-Training, went swimming with TheBoyScout, finished reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and published the first post for my (hopefully) last new blog.

Here's what I think about starting yet another this sure-to-be-awesome* blog:

I realize that my world views are not being sought by anyone** and yet, here I go, starting what will be the sixth incarnation of my narcissistic ego-centric superfluous witty blogosphere rant-stand.

I can't help myself.

I haven't advertised this blog yet, I don't think I will for a while. For now I'll get to know the place a bit and maybe rearrange the furniture a few times.***

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*I better expect my blog to be awesome, or else why bother, right?
**TheBoyScout gets a healthy dose of them anyway- -bless him!
***TBS can insert his thanks here:_______, since it is only metaphorical and virtual furniture and not the real thing.