Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Crafty Wednesday

Today's Accomplishments: worked out {believe it!}, got eyes dilated for the first time- -resulting in a prescription for eyeglasses, hosted crafty Wednesday, ordered glasses, played play dough with the FFYM, wrote some more story (!).

This idea came from the craft that one of my fun friends was working on this week! I pulled out my cricut and my big shot and ran with it!!! :o) I need to reinforce the back of the wreath, and then find a home for it!

My two cents about Crafty Wednesday:


A few months ago, I invited a couple of friends over during the FFYM's nap time to work on whatever project they had in the works. It was a lot of fun and it's the reason I've gotten so much craftiness into my otherwise diaper-ridden days. There are seven of us in the mix and counting. The women range in age from twenty-four to fifty-six-ish, and we have varying personalities and backgrounds, which means we have a lot of fun getting to know each other. Not to mention its GREAT to get things off my crafty 'to do' pile*.

Today, since my pupils were still freakishly bulbous, I put aside my own crafting aspirations (completing the table runner mentioned earlier) and opted instead to help Crystal with her craft project: turning (literally - I pun.) green and black "hair" into dreadlocks for the cyperpunk costume she's wearing to the local Anime convention this weekend. {Now that's variety for you!} I found a new skill, and if I ever needed to, I could turn (again - stop me!) to selling dreadlocks on etsy. :oP

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*It would be wrong of me to indicate that the five-years-in-the-making pirate halloween costumes have seen the light of day, or to mislead you into thinking that I've finally gotten around to working on the camp shirt quilt I promised to TheBoyScout as many years ago. No-no. The advent of crafty Wednesdays meant the possiblities for NEW crafty projects was far too enticing to waste on OLD crafty projects**.
**Sadly, the demands of my pocket book these days (see opthomologist appointment mentioned earlier) are now demanding that I pilfer the OLD project pile. C'est la vie. A camp shirt quilt will come in handy very soon!

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