Monday, September 24, 2012

Share and share alike*.

In the case of my two and three-year-old...

soooo not happening.
I'm not sure if FutureFineYoungMan#1 is enjoying the lollipop or the gloating** more. The only thing for certain is that FFYM#2 is DeVaStAteD. 

Just one way to make this better: mend one's sorrow by sacrificing the other's joy.
{parenting at it's best, no?}

The understated, sad expression on FFYM#1 kills me.
As for FFYM#2: ~Nuttin' wrong wit' dis Morton. Nuttin' wrong wit' dis. -Horton

After another trip through the check out line at Tillamook, all was again right and balanced {'cept the budget} in the universe.
Note to self: duh. What did you THINK was going to happen?

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*To be clear: this was not staged for the purposes of blogging fodder***. That's definitely not how I roll. I'm really just this naive. Or was. Before this invaluable lesson in child development.
**He should be in acting classes... as the TEACHER! ;o)
***Once the drama started, I couldn't help but snap pics****.
****I've been undecided about whether to post pictures of the FFYM's faces on here*****, but I'm letting that paranoia go.
*****Afer all, that's why I made my other blog private and started a new one******.
******Things change*******.
*******By now, I'm just laughing at the thought of someone actually reading the gratuitous footnotes of footnotes. {it's late- I'd laugh at just about anything right now.}

Today's Accomplishments: OT with #2^ , made zucchini bread, window shopped a kids consignment shop, had TBS buy The Goose Girl for book club^^, "made a restaurant" in the backyard for lunch time, FHE^^^, had a rare mothering treat (#2 woke up early at naptime from a bad dream and he fell asleep with me on the couch. sweet sleepy snuggles filled my mothering bucket.) made dinner, met with my health coach, blogged.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
^- the kid has amazing puzzle skills, fo' real.
^^did I mention it's for the book club that meets tomorrow night? No, I'm not a speed reader. Just a hopeless optimist -my crazy, mad, superhuman skills are going to kick in at any minute.....
^^^about gardening. :o) after the lesson and songs, we played a game where we were all a vegetable and grandpa was the gardener, and when we got dirt and water and sun, we started to grow (think snow man song). Sounds like I made it up, right?

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