{I would be concerned about the child to bapckpack size ratio, except its just for carting rain gear and a tricycle helmet to and from each day.}
{I trimmed down two Wyler's drink mix canisters, sorted out crayons into rainbow order, applied tacky glue liberally and the rest is straight forward.}
{applied the tacky glue a little too liberally, so had them dry on plastic plates over night.}
{whipped up accompanying cards on my Cricut in no time, and voila!}
{Not sure why Blogger flipped this picture on it's side, but this is what I was doing last night at 10pm when I remembered that I wanted to make teacher treats and hadn't gotten to it yet. Thank you Pinterest posters for the idea!}
{We filled it with pencils and chocolates. The FutureFineYounMan was feeling a little nervous at this point.}
My two cents about home-making:
A lot of it I love, the best of it I cherish, some of it I do with a bit of a grudge, and some of it I just plain don't do.
Today, I loved watching FFYM#1 enjoy a new experience at a new school and I'll admit I loved being the mom who had a teacher treat ready. I loved watching FFYM#2 play with new toys and use new words with his therapist. I may not have chosen to be a stay-at-home mom, but I LOVE it never-the-less.
When I went to get lunch on the table, I realized how woefully neglected my kitchen sink had been, so while the kids were noshing, I remedied the ick with a brillo pad, scrub brush and comet.
That, of course, got me on a roll, so I'm taking a break from a pretty good fit of scrubbing/sorting/folding/organizing fun. I LOVE having a tidy and clean house, I LOVE organizing and being organized, and I LOVE the day to day playful and fun moments with my boys.
I obviously LOVE me some fun beautification and craftiness.
Cleaning, however, is one of those things that I do, but don't LOVE doing {to say it nicely}. If I LOVED it as much as I LOVE crafting, I would get way more if it done way more of the time.
As for cooking - well - that is something I leave to TheBoyScout whenever possible, because he is MUCH more consistenly good at it {read: his dinners are always edible and never a waste of groceries}.
As for baking - I have a LOVE/hate relationship with that for sure. I LOVE baking and the feeling I get while watching my family enjoy the treats. I HATE the fact that I lose all self-control and eat more than my fair share.
What is your favorite thing about making your house a home? What are you willing to confess is a home-making weakness of yours?
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*Like every mom I know, I am pretty hard on myself about not getting everything done that I want to for my husband, my kids, my church, myself, etc. so this is to help me see things more positively when I look back.
**It's only 2:20pm, so we'll see how the rest of the day plays out.
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