Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"I've got some good news and some bad news."*

Today's Accomplishments: went grocery shopping with the boys and survived the worst and longest-lived public tantrum of my whole young life as a mom**. Made beef stew from scratch, and hid broccoli in it. Checked the budget.*** Blogged. Made breakfast cookies ala my new Health Coach.**** {Kate is a mom at the same preschool, and she's already started teaching me how to be a better (and more health-conscious) cook/baker.*****}

What you missed while I was away: I cleaned the bathrooms yesterday,****** re-organized the craft/guest/writing room after the onslaught of old "new" items found during the re-organization of the garage, worked on the binding for the table runner last Wednesday, started ripping stitches out of said runner yesterday,******* survived first "full day" of preschool - despite not being able to find it when it came time to pick up FFYM#1. Threw away the cute paper flower wreath mentioned previously, because FFYM#2 got his hands on it and ripped it to pieces and literal shreds "re-arranged" things quite a bit. Started re-reading Twighlight.******** Took a day trip to Tillamook and the beach at Seaside with the boys and grandma and grandpa.

(Tillamook Cheese Factory)*********
Last week:
FFYM#1: Mom, I have some good news and some bad news.
Me: (laughing from surprise) What's the bad news?
FFYM#1: The bad news IiIiis... (drawn out for effect) we didn't get to go to the museum today.
Me: (still laughing) And what's the good news?
FFYM#1:The good news IiiiIiis... (drawn out for affect) we could still go to the pool.
Me: {note to self: must pay better attention to the shows my kids are watching.}

And so, in the words of FFYM#1, I have some good news and some bad news.

The good news iiiiiiis... that I sold my awesome washer and dryer********** on Craigslist last week. The bad news iiiiiiiiis... that during the move the door on the washer must have been bumped and the new owners couldn't get the cycle to start. They bought a cheap part online, installed it and the washer worked fine. All parties were happy and the whole transaction was a success. Whew!

(FFYM#1: "Mom, do you have some more good news and some more bad news?")

Yes, I do.

The bad news is that we accrued quite a bit of medical debt over the summer and I'm broke. The good news is that between the proceeds from the sale of my awesome washer and dryer and robbing from the food budget for the next few months, we'll have it paid off and be less broke. :o)

(FFYM#1: "And do you have some more good news and bad news?")

Yes, I do.

The bad news is that we cancelled Dish Network this week. The good news is that we cancelled Dish Network this week.

(FFYM#1: "Mom, do you have some more good news and some more bad news?")

Yes, I do.

The bad news iiiiis.... that it's past my bedtime. The good news iiiiiiis... that now I get to go to bed.

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*This is FutureFineYoungMan#1's favorite phrase this week. It's very cute. He gets it right every time, he's smarter than me. Then he asks if I have any bad news and good news. This game goes on for several minutes, until finally, we're both out of news of any sort. :o)
**Can't say for certain that I didn't throw a worse one myself at that age. (or an older age for that matter.)
***Have done several times, actually. Quicken is awesome now that I've gotten the hang of tracking everything.
****So excited to be supporting an up-and-coming entrepreneur and health expert!! We are working out a trade of sorts. :o)
*****Praise be! Heaven knows I need the help!
******Take no note of the fact that I haven't mentioned cleaning the bathrooms in the four or so weeks I've been blogging here. :o| 
*******Was I supposed to know that you sew the binding on WITH the batting and backing at the same time? :o\ 
********I can't help myself. :o` 
*********Yes, I took the picture and THEN removed my kids from the hazardous zone behind the hand rail. :o?
**********Since we share a house with my parentals,*********** we have been using their newer, high effeciency machines.
***********It's a long story - sounds like fodder for a future post, but in the meantime, don't judge me. It's not what it sounds like... ;o)

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