Monday, August 27, 2012


Today's Accomplishments:  Speech therapy for FFYM#2 {super fun!}, successful shopping trip to the local Goodwill {resulting in dress-up hats and a new game for the boys}, ummmm blowing my budget on a $9 combo meal for ONE PERSON at Burgerville*.

The Weekend's Accomlishments: Lots of fun in Primary working on the upcoming program {the kids are earning ingredients for banana splits- one for every song they earn a "performance ready" score for.}, fun family outing to the park, managed an entire Saturday {and Sunday goes without saying} without spending money**!!

{One of my weaknesses is rushing the bedtime routine. As a consequence, I learned I had a cavity during my recent dentist's office visit. So I asked them to print out a copy of the pictures of said cavity (it grosses me out too, believe me!) and made this to put in my room. Now, on the nights that I can't convince myself to keep up my new habit (three weeks strong, go me!!) I just flip over one of these flags and see the motivation I need to keep flossing. A clever use of my craftiness, if I do say!}

My two cents about my own weaknesses:

I look for them. Constantly. I find them frequently. I try to change them ad nauseum. It's exhausting and generally not productive.

In the words of FFYM#2: I think I need to be "aaah done." For a little while, that is.

That doesn't mean I'm giving myself a pass on being lousy at menu planning/grocery shopping/cooking. It doesn't mean I'm going to stop hoping for the day when I have the optimal morning routine down, complete with exercise, scripture study, physical therapy and writing. I'm not turning my back on one day being a better thank-you card sender, phone caller, or birthday fun wisher. Most importantly, I will still be hoping to one day be a person who carries herself with more grace, thoughtfulness and poise, and less insecurity, fear and self-denegrating***.

In the meantime, however, I'm taking the excellent advice of my husband and putting MORE of my energy into identifying, honoring and strengthening my strengths.

Revolutionary thinking, no?!

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*It is just a dang good thing I don't have any other expensive bad habits!! Sheesh.
**Apparently all that pent-up retail frustration only leads to spending $9 on a combo meal for ONE PERSON at Burgerville!! Rosemary chicken sandwich, I hate love hate you.
***Does it count if self-denegrating is a strength that I want to weaken??

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